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Mark D. Harman, P.G., MS4-SCP

Mark D. Harman, P.G., MS4-SCP

Mark D. Harman, P.G., MS4-SCP

Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Lititz Office

Mark D. Harman, P.G., MS4-SCP

Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Lititz Office

Mark D. Harman, P.G., MS4-SCP, brings 22 years of experience in in municipal storm sewer system (MS4) compliance, total maximum daily load (TMDL) planning, Chesapeake Bay pollution reduction planning, stormwater management system design, best management practice design and installation, NPDES permitting, erosion and sedimentation control planning, hydrogeologic studies, groundwater nitrate impact assessment and remediation, and carbonate geology identification and reporting (including oversight on projects in areas where carbonate geology poses site-specific hazards), wetland delineation, flora and fauna assessment and remediation, sewage facility planning, permitting, and design. Mark serves as appointed or alternate zoning official for designated municipalities in south central PA; also knowledgeable with respect to computer modeling programs.

In his role as Chief Operating Officer, Mark oversees all of ARRO’s offices, including coordination of workload, budgeting, and staff management, and he is a member of ARRO’s Employee Engagement and Advocacy Committee.

Mark is a licensed Professional Geologist in Pennsylvania and received a B.S. in Engineering Geology from Millersville University. He is a Qualified MS4 Stormwater Compliance Professional, and is recognized as a local authority on stormwater, presenting regularly through organizations including PSATS, PWEA, MRWA, and APMM.


Headquartered in Lancaster County with five other strategically located offices in PA and MD