Since 1946, municipalities and businesses have come to rely on ARRO’s capabilities and expertise to find innovative solutions for even the most challenging civil/municipal projects.

Swatara Township Authority
Challenge: Due to tighter effluent restrictions on nitrogen and phosphorus, major WWTP upgrades became necessary.
Opportunities: Work closely with the client to select an innovative technology for nutrient removal and integrate it into their existing WWTP. Implement a new headworks, a new biological nutrient removal system, a new emergency generator, and upgrades to the SCADA system.
Learn More Spring Grove Borough Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade/Expansion
In 2011, ARRO completed an infrastructure evaluation of the existing 0.28 MGD Spring Grove Borough wastewater treatment plant, which (at the time) included primary and secondary treatment of raw sewage for portions of Spring Grove Borough and Jackson Township in York County. ARRO began the design of a biological nutrient removal treatment upgrade for Spring Grove in 2013, and was responsible for the design, construction management, engineering, and observation services for construction of the designed...
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Challenge: Due to tighter effluent restrictions on nitrogen and phosphorus, major WWTP upgrades became necessary.
Opportunities: Work closely with the client to select an innovative technology for nutrient removal and integrate it into their existing WWTP. Implement a new headworks, a new biological...
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In 2011, ARRO completed an infrastructure evaluation of the existing 0.28 MGD Spring Grove Borough wastewater treatment plant, which (at the time) included primary and secondary treatment of raw sewage for portions of Spring Grove Borough and Jackson Township in York County. ARRO began the design of...
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